Podcast - Series’ 1-2

A Light in the Dark: My Songwriting Journey

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2021: Series 1 - 6 Episodes

2022: Series 2 -

400+ DOWNLOADS so far!

6 continents / 26 countries!

A podcast for songwriters starting out…

Sam’s debut podcast series - A Light in the Dark: My Songwriting Journey has been warmly received on all major platforms by listeners around the world from Hong Kong to New York, Edinburgh to Sydney. In Series One, in 2021 - he released six episodes. Now in Season Two, Episode One is available.

It is an honest account of his songwriting journey from the very beginning as a young man with nothing but an old guitar and a fistful of half-baked songs to performing live on TV & radio & securing national press in both the UK & Hong Kong, receiving BBC Radio airplay & releasing his debut album, Let's Join Hands on the 30th April, 2021.

Sam sincerely hopes this series serves as a useful tool in aiding and equipping people new to the world of songwriting, young and old alike. Of course, he made lots of mistakes along the way but he sees these all as useful signposts to becoming a professional songwriter – something that he continues to strive towards and he sincerely hope they can aid you too. Believe in yourself. Believe in your songs. Believe in your message.

Keep writing! Keep believing! Enjoy the process.

Sam is always looking for people to interview on his podcast. If you’re interested in featuring on an episode or having your music reviewed please get in touch.

Over 400 downloads so far on Buzzsprout. Thank you!

New Podcast - The Litter Bug

Season 3 Episode 3

On FRIDAY 3rd JUNE, 2022, I will publish my first book for children entitled, The Litter Bug. I believe the book would be perfect for both primary and secondary students in Hong Kong and beyond and essential reading for any child who enjoys reading stories about nature, magic and adventure!